- NDB:用于执行与NDB存储引擎相关的操作。例如,NDB STATUS 可以显示NDB存储引擎的状态。 这些命令只是ndb_mgm工具提供的一部分功能。要使用这些命令,您需要在命令行中输入ndb_mgm,然后连接到管理节点。例如: ndb_mgm ndb_mgm> SHOW ndb_mgm> START NODE 1 ndb_mgm> RELOAD ......
次のテーブルに、NDB Cluster 管理クライアントプログラム ndb_mgm に固有のオプションを示します。 追加説明が表のあとにあります。 ほとんどの NDB Cluster プログラム (ndb_mgm を含む) に共通のオプションについては、セクション23.4.32「NDB Cluster プログラムに共通のオプション —...
$> ndb_mgm -e "SHOW" $> ndb_mgm --execute="SHOW" This is analogous to how the --execute or -e option works with the mysql command-line client. See Section, “Using Options on the Command Line”. Note If the management client command to be passed using this option cont...
(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.7) --version, -V Display version information and exit (Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.7) Additional information about usingndb_mgmcan be found inSection 21.6.1, “Commands in the NDB Cluster Management Client”....
Description:When you run ndb_mgm and execute the command "n stop", the operation is processed fine, but ndb_mgm does not return to the command prompt. Here is how it looks: ndb_mgm> 2 stop Node 2: Node shutdown initiated Node 2: Node shutdown completed. After that the "ndb_mgm>"...
at main.cpp:130 Expected: ndb_mgm reconnects and issues commandHow to repeat:Start an ndb_mgm process in session A and run show. Start another ndb_mgm process in session B. Issue 'shutdown' in session B. Start ndb_mgmd again, and issue 'show' in session A: ndb_mgm> show Got SIGP...
See The ndb_mgm_node_type Type, for permitted values. enum ndb_mgm_node_status node_status: The node's status. See The ndb_mgm_node_status Type, for permitted values. int start_phase: The start phase. This is valid only if the node_type is NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB and the nod...
So now I'm trying to run a online backup of my data nodes (ndb_mgm -e start backup), and I get the following error: Unable to connect with connect string: nodeid=0,BACKUP:1186 Has anyone run across this issue or know how to resolve it? Thanks, ...
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Re: Cluster Backup Fails - ndb_mgm -e start backup error. 1606 Stewart Smith October 20, 2008 11:42PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed.Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copyright holders. It is not reviewed in advance by Oracle...