FY17 NDAA Penalties for Cost-Type Contracts and Preference for Fixed-Price ContractsCharles A. Blanchard
The House Armed Services Committee will mark up its version of the FY2022 National Defense Authorization Act tomorrow in what is expected to be a marathon session that may extend beyond midnight. Among the bill’s provisions is direction to the National Space Council to coordinate U.S. gov...
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released two reports in April that painted a worrying picture for the F-35's maintainability and supply chain challenges as the program moves toward a new Block 4 modernization effort and an expected full-rate production decision by the end of 2019 (...
You have may have heard about lower pay raises and cuts to BAH, but do you really know how the NDAA will affect military families?National Military Family Association
The bill would also authorize $786.2 million in funding for research and development on the long-rangernstrike bomber, which is $460 million below the Administration's FY 2016 budget request. The legislation also wouldrnprohibit the retirement of the B-1, B-2 and B-52 bombers during a ...
FY2016 NDAA: A Comparison of House and Senate Provisions for Military Retirement Reform [June 4, 2015]Kristy N. KamarckLibrary of Congress. Congressional Research ServiceLibrary of Congress. Congressional Research Service
Report to Congress Pursuant to Section 1245(e) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (FY13 NDAA)Thomas M. Countryman
The Senate Armed Services Committee has approved its $886 billion version of the fiscal year\n2024 National Defense Authorization Act, while the panel is looking for supplemental funding\nmeasures that could boost defense spending above the cap set by the debt ceiling agreement.\nAfter marking up ...