电子邮箱Info@huaraylaser.com 联系电话13277960367 联系地址 公司地址湖北省武汉市江夏区武汉华日精密激光股份有限公司 大家都在找 换一换 查看详情 ¥4万 ~ 9万 紫外激光器-上海熙隆光电 紫外激光器-上海熙隆光电精选厂家 厂家直销 紫外激光器 上海熙隆光电科技有限公司 查看详情 ¥6万 ~ 9万 上海元析紫外...
StarFemto FX 飞秒激光器 Rofin Laser Micro PowerLine Pico 皮秒级激光器 Rofin La PowerLine SL 皮秒级激光器 Rofin Laser Micro PowerLine E UV Series 紫外线激光标记系 PowerLine Prime 15 Nd:YVO4激光打标机 Rofin Laser Micro PWS 激光焊接机 Rofin Laser Micro Desktop 激光焊接机 Rofin Laser Micro...
倍频Nd:YV04激光光动力治疗仪Frequency-doubled Nd:YVO4 laser photodynamic therapy deviceA medical device that utilizes a frequency-doubled Nd:YVO4 laser for photodynamic therapy, a treatment method that involves the use of light and a photosensitizing agent to target and destroy abnormal cells. ...
Such lasers are expected to be well suited to transmissions over long widths of fiber and to lidar applications. Japan is considering using the Nd:YVO4 laser as a light source in high-density video disk players.Gary Forrest
【技术特点】-- Indie纳秒调-Q半导体泵浦Nd:YVO4激光器 仪器简介: A diode pumped solid state q-switched nanosecond Nd:YVO4 lasers offer high output power of infra-red (1064 nm) radiation together with high repetition rate. Featuring up to 15 W output power at 1064 nm and high 100 kHz ...
A Q-switched diode pumped solid state Nd:YVO4 lasers offer up to 5.5 W output power at 532 nm. High beam quality together with short pulse duration and high output power make the Jazz series Q-switched DPSS laser to high brilliance source (tool) for processing of most engineering materials...
UL1064HE是一种1064nm的高能紧凑型DPSS激光器,在25至250 kHz脉冲重复范围内提供超过20瓦的平均输出功率。在25kHz时,该装置产生超过0.85mJ的17ns脉冲宽度,对应于50kW的峰值功率。 UL1064HE is a high energy compact DPSS laser at 1064nm delivering over 20 watts of average output power from 25 to 250 kHz...
倍频Nd:YVO4眼科激光治疗仪Ophthalmic therapy laser 该产品用于视网膜激光光凝;青光眼治疗的小梁成形术;青光眼治疗的虹膜切开术。