RIXS (resonant inelastic X-ray scattering)selective bond cleavageThe femtosecond excited-state dynamics following resonant photoexcitation enable the selective deformation of NH and NC chemical bonds in 2-thiopyridone in aqueous solution with optical or X-ray pulses. In combination with multi...
Molecular structures, relative stabilities and electric dipole moments of HC7N, C7NH and HC7xNCx(x = 1 6): an ab initio investigation Ab initio MP2/4-31G calculations are performed to determine the molecular structures, relative stabilities and dipole moments of HC7N and its isomers C7NH ...
The crystal structures of Fe(NCNH)2 and Co(NCNH)2, isotypical with Ni(NCNH)2, have been refined by means of combined X-ray and neutron powder diffraction data (SPODI, FRM II). The lattice parameters are a = 6.6655(7), b = 8.7923(8), c = 3.3304(3) Ã for Fe(NCNH)2...
[COAT WEST] Smart 8(中字)NH剪辑苍茫茫人海2 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多5332 -- 11:56 App [COAT WEST] Smart 8(中字)hikaru剪辑 4138 1 5:37 App [COAT]KAITO游玩水族馆 1.1万 12 4:54 App SHO君参加选秀花絮 5953 -- 7:38 App [COAT] Hello! 洋志 (Hello!
ncxnhjjgjhj的账号被封号 ncxnhjjgjhj ID:4762679 诚信值:2 IP属地:成都 最近回访: 一年前 年龄:35岁 身高:165cm 年收入:_20_50万元 所在城市:上海 上海 奉贤区 财富值:0 人气:45 打招呼送礼物发红包写私信举报投诉我和她往来信[0] 心情日志联系我请注明玫瑰() ...
Dịch vụ được quản lý của Amazon dành cho Apache Flink tự động điều chỉnh quy mô số lượng KPU cần thiết cho ứng dụng xử lý luồng của bạn khi nhu cầu bộ nhớ và điện toán biến...
Similarly, reaction of [ReOCl3(PPh3)2] with 2-mercaptopyridine and 4 afforded a cationic oxorhenium(V) complex, [ReO(η3-SCH2C5H3NCH2S)(η1-C5H4NH-2-S)][Cl] (22). Crystal data for 10, C13H11BrNOS3Re: triclinic, P1̄, a=7.2909(5), b=14.1978(9), c=15.991(1) Å, α=...
请问1-State/Territory:** (USA Only)和2-Province/Region:***(Canada Only)各自填什么?(中国的)1-有:AA,AE,AK,AL,AP,AR,AS,AZ,CA,CO,CT,DC,DE,FL,FM,GA,GU,HI,IA,ID,IL,IN,KS,KY,LA,MA,MD,ME,MH,MI,MN,MO,MP,MS,MT,NC,ND,NE,NH,NJ,NM,NV,NY,OH,OK,OR,PA,PR,PW,RI,SC,...
“瘦肉精 学名盐酸克伦特罗(化学式为:C12H18Cl2N2O.相对分子质量为:277).是一种非常廉价的药品.对于减少脂肪增加瘦肉作用非常好.“瘦肉精 让猪的单位经济价值提升不少.但它有很危险的副作用.轻则导致心律不整.严重一点就会导致心脏病.根据以上信息.回答下列问题.(1)“瘦