Options: -FILE <arg> -- Load command line arguments from <arg> -GUI -- Enter window mode before running simulation -INPUT <arg> -- Script to be executed during initialization -MESSAGES -- Specifies printing of informative messages -NOCOPYRIGHT -- Suppresses printing of copyright banner -NO...
16. The next time you invoke ncverilog, it compares the current set of command-line options to the options stored in the ncverilog.args file. All of the plus options and dash options must be the same and in the same order for the options to be evaluated as equal. 17. The ncverilog ...
1.This approach allows completely transparent mixed language, mixed-level, and mixed cycle-event simulations. It also lays the foundation for mixed signal simulations.2.External Interface:(1) VHDL: VHPI,OMI (2) Verilog: PLI, VPI, OMI (Modelsim和VCS也有这个功能)(PLI用的比较多,仿真器一般...
The profiler is easy to run and has minimal impact on simulation performance and memory usage. To run the profiler, use the -profile command-line option when you invoke the simulator (ncsim). Use +ncprofile if you are running in single-step invocation mode with the ncverilog command....
Add appropriate build options for dpi designs -dpi_void_task Return value of export/import tasks will be VOID. +dut_prof+ Profiler report contains summary for design unit -dynamic Build a shared object for simulation -dynvhpi Enable user to create VHDL drivers at run time -efence Deb...
options value to SPECMAN_PATH env var +ncsnprerun+<cmds> Execute Specman precommands before simulation +ncsnquit Run Specman compile in quiet mode +ncsnsc Specify SystemC agent for Specman +ncsnseed+<seed> Pass seed value to Specman +ncsnset+<arg> Set command to pass to Specman +ncsnsh...
f7 Y8 k6 n% ncverilog +linedebug other options3 l* O n4 m z3 U0 X4 N- P或, I P1 B: r L8 d) v/ f/ H% ncvlog –linedebug other_options verilog_source_files/ Y; \6 d L0 ~, o9 I也可以设置设计的全局访问属性。下列的命令可以用来配置设计为允许读、写和交叉访问(connectivity ...
% ncverilog +linedebug <other options> 或 % ncvlog –linedebug <other_options> <verilog_source_files> 也可以设置设计的全局访问属性。下列的命令可以用来配置设计为允许读、写和交叉访问(connectivity access)。 % ncverilog +access+[rwc] <other options> ...
ncsim> help [help_options] [command | all [command_options] 提高NC-Verilog仿真效率的技巧 下面是一些用来禁止时序检查的一些命令行。 % ncverilog +delay_mode_distributed +notimingcheck +noneg_tchk 或 % ncelab –delay_mode dist –notimingchecks –noneg_tchk ...
Usage: ncverilog [options] files File languages: Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, e, System-C, C, C++ In addition to the dash options all ncverilog plus options can be used. Options shown below in lowercase can also be entered in uppercase. For example, both -top and -TOP are valid. ...