(MK), Sen's slope estimator and the Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA) method. For the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon groundwater levels, the nine districts had increasing trend as per the MK test and Sen's slope estimator, indicating that groundwater levels have declined in the study region. ...
Another version on NCR and NCT: (By Mr.RamaKrishna of Paschim Vihar) National capital territory is the political region of the union territory of Delhi. Members of Delhi Assembly are elected from this territory. National capital region includes in its fold other regions from other states such as...
The estimated fault plane solution of the mainshock suggests normal faulting with some strike slip component. The focal mechanism corroborates with the NE - SW orienting lineaments mapped in the region near the epicenter. The source parameters of the event, namely, seismic moment, stress drop, ...
The study area has been delineated by the creation of vector shapefiles. A detailed terrain profile analysis is carried out to portray the undulations along the metro region. After a detailed terrain plot, the soil profile in the 58 boreholes under study is modelled by employing GEO5 and ...
The study provides information regarding spatio-temporal dynamics of transmission so that effective resource allocation may be provided in order to implement targeted interventions in high-risk areas. It has been found that the incidence is very high i...
The main reasons for the high river pollution is increasing population of Delhi and other states, leading to generation of huge amounts of domestic sewage into the river Yamuna. The model gave a good agreement between calibrated and observed data, thus actualizing the validity of the model. ...
When the river Yamuna leaves the National Capital Territory of Delhi, its situation further deteriorates. Despite accounting for only 1% of the river's overall catchment area, this region is responsible for more than half of the pollutants discovered in the Yamuna. The river Yamuna, on the ...
The main reasons for the high river pollution is increasing population of Delhi and other states, leading to generation of huge amounts of domestic sewage into the river Yamuna. The model gave a good agreement between calibrated and observed data, thus actualizing the validity of the model. ...
These environmental parameters quantify the variability in vegetation cover and the thermal characteristics of the region. The study's findings show that the surface temperature of NCT-Delhi has risen over the past 20years, with the core city, the North East, and the East district experiencing ...