Potentially eligible women > 34 weeks gestation will be identified during their attendance at the antenatal clinic, antenatal classes, or midwifery group practice, or while an in-patient on the antenatal ward. Posters advertising the trial will be placed around the hospital in these areas. An "ex...
Potentially eligible women > 34 weeks gestation will be identified during their attendance at the antenatal clinic, antenatal classes, or midwifery group practice, or while an in-patient on the antenatal ward. Posters advertising the trial will be placed around the hospital in these areas. An "ex...
Potentially eligible women > 34 weeks gestation will be identified during their attendance at the antenatal clinic, antenatal classes, or midwifery group practice, or while an in-patient on the antenatal ward. Posters advertising the trial will be placed around the hospital in these areas. An "ex...