-Y20R S 0505-Y20R S 1015-Y20R S 2040-Y20R S 4030-Y20R S 0507-Y20R S 1020-Y20R S 2050-Y20R S 4040-Y20R S 0510-Y20R S 1030-Y20R S 2060-Y20R S 4050-Y20R S 0515-Y20R S 1040-Y20R S 2070-Y20R S 5005-Y20R S 0520-Y20R S 1050-Y20R S 3005-Y20R S 5020-Y20R S...
该页展现NCS 2050标准颜色,分为五个色相组:灰度,黄色(G80Y-Y70R),红色(Y80R-R70B),蓝色(R80B-B70G)和绿色(B80G-G70Y). 全部颜色按照色相及黑度、白度和彩度规律有序排列,十分方便进行颜色查找,方便携带,可以用于颜色设计、分析、交流和对照
暖色系的流行色样S 2002-Y50R与浓郁的深蓝色S 6030-R90B可以随意搭配,冷暖对比,加上精致的细节设计,可以在现实生活里创造了极富想象力的异想空间。04 流行色样S 8010-R90B是一种强烈的深蓝色,当大面积的墙壁选用该色时需考虑好搭配色,推荐优先选择明亮的色彩,譬如流行色样S 2005-Y20R奶咖灰及S 3005-...
NCS S 2002-Y20R SOFT GREIGE Greige is a colour that has a hue between Y and R but is very low chromatic, with only 2% of chromaticness. There are light greige, mid-greige and dark-greige variations. After a thorough market analysis, we have decided to launch our own perfect greige; ...
答在“NCS色卡色彩设计工具扇形版NCS INDEX 2050 A-6” 收录了NCS S 2002-R的色号 NCS S 2002-R相邻颜色 NCS S 2002-B NCS S 2002-B50G NCS S 2002-G NCS S 2002-G50Y NCS S 2002-R50B NCS S 2002-Y NCS S 2002-Y20R NCS S 2002-Y50R ...
暖色系的流行色样S 2002-Y50R与浓郁的深蓝色S 6030-R90B可以随意搭配,冷暖对比,加上精致的细节设计,可以在现实生活里创造了极富想象力的异想空间。 04 流行色样S 8010-R90B是一种强烈的深蓝色,当大面积的墙壁选用该色时需考虑好搭配色,推荐优先选择明亮的色彩,譬如流行色样S 2005-Y20R奶咖灰及S 3005-Y50...
NCS S 2002-Y20R NCS S 2002-Y50R NCS S 2002-Y80R NCS S 2005-BBuy NCS color fan €172.95 NCS Index 2050 2,050 NCS colors 29.5 x 4.5 cm More info / ordering Customer reviews Andrews Powder Coating, Inc. "Nice service and a very nice sample packet" PPG INDUSTRIES "Great servic...
Dimensions: A4: 210 x 297 mm A6: 105 x 148.5 mm A8: 52 x 74 mm A9: 37 x 52 mm Description Ideal for use when larger or smaller samples of colour are required for colour identification, specification and for matching colours and compare with different surfaces, such as textiles, plastic...
VAT S 2002-Y20R Regular price From €6,60 excl. VAT S 0804-Y10R Regular price From €6,60 excl. VAT S 2002-G Regular price From €6,60 excl. VAT S 1515-Y20R Regular price From €6,60 excl. VAT S 2002-R Regular price From €6,60 excl. VAT ...
S 0580-Y S 2002-Y S 3060-Y S 6502-Y S 1002-Y S 2005-Y S 3502-Y S 7020-Y S 1005-Y S 2010-Y S 3560-Y S 7502-Y S 1010-Y S 2020-Y S 4020-Y S 8502-Y S 1015-Y -Y10R S 0505-Y10R S 1015-Y10R S 2030-Y10R S 4040-Y10R S 0510-Y10R S 1020-Y10R S 2...