The hexadecimal RGB code of Blue (NCS) color is #0087BD and the decimal is rgb(0,135,189). The red-green-blue components are 00 (0) red, 87 (135) green and BD (189) blue.
The most advanced color conversion tool on the web - palettes, charts and their conversion data in 11 formats, including: HEX to RGB, RAL Classic, RAL Design Plus, RAL Effect, Pantone, CMYK, HSL, HSB, NCS, WEBSAFE and vice versa.
Color Picker Color Converter Color Palettes Color Charts About Upload palette Log in 7527 C - conversion for color Enter code: Choose a color: Convert Converted :) HEX: RGB: LAB: RAL: RAL Effect: RAL Design: HSL: HSB: CMYK: Websafe: Pantone: NCS: Download ...
I can almost certainly guarentee you, that if you plug a Pantone LAB value into an online converter, then ask it to tell you what the matching NCS code is...that NCS colour won't look like that Pantone when it is printed or mixed paint. Morals of the ...
Rev 1.0.0 CS47L63 AD-DA converter (U2) may fail to start In some occasions, the 1.2 V power supply for U2 is not provided at boot-up. This is caused by higher than expected inrush current. This function is tested in production. The issue should not happen, although we observe that...
GmbH R3EW-3/8,,NR.130 20 放大器探头 <br>36580 <br>SCHROFF 34560-491 <br>NORD E973.1-160M/4 <br>LE 213/013(422-213-000-013) 测力螺栓 <br>IBR 8 jack converter | CONVERTER | IMB-IM8 (F122 068 for KNAEBEL detector) 393000-07 <br>Delta 4S212SEB05F <br>VEGA VEGASON61 type?
Hybrid/off Grid Inverter/Wind System/DC Converter Other Product Solar Controller/Power Supply/Frequency Converter Trademark Xinyuhua Origin Shandong China HS Code 8504409999 Production Capacity 10000sets Per Year Product Description Product Parameters XYH Ser...
I can almost certainly guarentee you, that if you plug a Pantone LAB value into an online converter, then ask it to tell you what the matching NCS code is...that NCS colour won't look like that Pantone when it is printed or mixed paint. Morals of the ...
Color schemes: The converter generates color schemes from the converted sample. The schemes are based on color theory, it provides 6 color schemes in the following order: analogous, monochromatic, complementary, triade, tetrade and split. For colors based on shades of gray like white, black or...