S 0550-Y S 1505-Y S 3030-Y S 5502-Y S 0560-Y S 1510-Y S 3040-Y S 6020-Y S 0570-Y S 1515-Y S 3050-Y S 6030-Y S 0580-Y S 2002-Y S 3060-Y S 6502-Y S 1002-Y S 2005-Y S 3502-Y S 7020-Y S 1005-Y S 2010-Y S 3560-Y S 7502-Y S 1010-Y S 2020-Y S ...
该页展现NCS 2050标准颜色,分为五个色相组:灰度,黄色(G80Y-Y70R),红色(Y80R-R70B),蓝色(R80B-B70G)和绿色(B80G-G70Y). 全部颜色按照色相及黑度、白度和彩度规律有序排列,十分方便进行颜色查找,方便携带,可以用于颜色设计、分析、交流和对照
5502-B #747779 5502-G #747976 5502-R #797272 5502-Y #797875 5540-B #366079 5540-B10G #386879 5540-B20G #396e79 5540-B30G #3b7379 5540-B40G #3c7779 5540-B50G #3c7977 5540-B80G #38796a 5540-B90G #34795a 5540-G #31794d 5540-G10Y #437945 5540-G20Y...
NCS5502-SE Natiq shaikh Level 1 11-07-2023 01:58 AM Kindly help me please the switch not showing on computer consule I have this problem too Labels: XR OS and Platforms 0 Helpful Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 3 Replies Rich R VIP 11-26-...
答在“NCS色卡色彩设计工具扇形版NCS INDEX 2050 A-6” 收录了NCS S 5540-B10G的色号 NCS S 5540-B10G相邻颜色 NCS S 5502-Y20R NCS S 5502-Y50R NCS S 5502-Y80R NCS S 5540-B NCS S 5540-B20G NCS S 5540-B30G NCS S 5540-B40G NCS S 5540-B50G 本...
The default value for the MAC address limit is 64000 for Cisco NCS 5501 and Cisco NCS 5502. When you configure MAC address limit for a bridge-domain, the following MAC addresses are considered by the network: Dynamic MAC addresses that are learned automatically via an ARP ...
5502-B #747779 5502-G #747976 5502-R #797272 5502-Y #797875 5540-B #366079 5540-B10G #386879 5540-B20G #396e79 5540-B30G #3b7379 5540-B40G #3c7779 5540-B50G #3c7977 5540-B80G #38796a 5540-B90G #34795a 5540-G #31794d 5540-G10Y #437945 5540-G20Y...
NCS色卡 NCS 0050-G70Y NCS 1020-Y60R NCS 1040-Y60R NCS 1050-B60G NCS 2020-R30B NCS 2030-B50G NCS 2030-R70B NCS 2040-G90Y NCS 2040-Y70R
PantoneVioletCPantone403CNCS4055-Y50R PantoneVioletUNCS3050-R60BPantone403UNCS4502-R PantoneReflexBlueCNCS3560-R80BPantone404CNCS6005-Y20R PantoneReflexBlueUNCS3060-R70BPantone404UNCS5502-R PantoneProcessBlueCNCS2065-BPantone405CNCS7005-Y20R PantoneProcessBlueUNCS1565-BPantone405UNCS6502-R PantoneGreen...
NCS-5502 NCS-5502-SE NC55-36x100G NC55-18H18F NC55-24x100G-SE NC55-24H12F-SE NC55-36x100G-S NC55-6x200-DWDM-S This complete utilization ofbank_0must be ignored since it is reserved for internal usage regardless of the router configuration. ...