Unlock the Keys to Real Estate Success in North CarolinaReady to gain the confidence needed to start strong as a broker? Kaplan prelicensing courses provide all the support you need to succeed. Our curriculum is constantly refreshed to align with North Carolina’s latest industry trends, so you...
Background Check Services in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Secure Background Screeners professional services in North Carolina are led by experienced professionals within various North Carolina metropolitan areas. Credit Reports Tenant Checks Pre Employm
Premier Realty Property Management Program If you are a property owner in need of management assistance, you’ll find that our experienced and hard-working team takes the burden off your shoulders as you reap the benefits. We tailor our services to our clients’ needs and our mission is your...
Insuring national health cure: The Canadian experience, by Malcolm G. Taylor. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1991,254 pp. Price: $29.95 cloth, $12.95 paperContinuous castingThermo-viscoplasticityPhase-changeSolidifying steel modelNo abstract is available for this item.doi:...
Corazón de Dixie: Mexicanos in the U.S. South Since 1910 . By Julie Weise . Chapel Hill, NC : University of North Carolina Press , 2015 . xii, 358 pages. $32.50No abstract is available for this item.doi:10.1111/imre.12270Overmyer-Velázquez...
Apostle of Union: A Political Biography of Edward Everett. By Matthew Mason. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2016. Pp. xi, 434. $39.50.)doi:10.1111/hisn.12772Michael J. BirknerJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdHistorian