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Before joining NCML, Sanjay was the President and CEO of JK Agri Genetics Limited. His experience spreads across [...] Agriculture and its potential By the Managing Director & CEO, National Commodities Management Services Limited The pandemic has come as an eye-opener for the entire world and ...
第18届“全国现代逻辑学术研讨会”将于2024年11月15-17日在广东省广州市召开。本届研讨会由中国逻辑学会现代逻辑专业委员会主办,华南师范大学哲学与社会发展学院承办。 本次会议共收到了58份稿件投稿,经程序委员会、外邀评审人双盲审稿与双盲...
STEP—NC和NCML的比较研究 来自万方 作者刘涛,王永章,樊真摘要 STEP-NC是STEP向数控领域的扩展,NCML(NumericalControlMarkupLanguage)是基于XML的数控标记语言.作为一种使能技术,NCML允许买卖双方通过网络电子商务来定制加工零件.对STEP-NC进行了... 关键词 STEP-NC;NCML;虚拟...
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STEP—NC和NCML的比较研究 维普资讯
A new language called NCML (Numerical Control Markup Language) is proposed as an enabling technology to permit buyers and sellers of custom machined parts to conduct e-commerce via the Internet. NCML is based on XML (Extensible Markup Language) the document processing standard proposed by the Worl...
The NcML-G extension provides a means for fusing the data models of the traditional netCDF atmospheric science community with those of the GIS community which is of the utmost importance. Bringing the data models and data systems of those communities together will foster an era of ...