NCMHCE Exam 4.7 (3則評論) Counseling (Assessment & Diagnosis) 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 designed to help the client gain a perspective on how they behave 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 242 建立者 Nicole_Chacho 用學習模式提升成績 82%的學生在使用學習模式後名列前茅...
You should get your official score report within 8 weeks of testing. Retaking the Exam If you didn’t get a passing score on your first try, that’s okay! You can retake the test after the mandatory 30-day waiting period. Online NCMHCE Prep Course ...
personal items into the testing room with you, including cell phones or cameras, and no testing materials may leave the testing location as all questions are copyrighted. All testing materials must be returned to the proctor upon completion of the exam or you will not receive your score report...
All testing materials must be returned to the proctor upon completion of the exam or you will not receive your score report. Taking the Examination If you prepared for the NCMHCE exam by taking an NCMHCE practice exam, you should be familiar with the examination screen, which includes two ...
I am so happy to report that I PASSED my exam yesterday!!I cannot tell you how beneficial your strategy was in helping me to raise my score by 27 points on the Information Gathering section and 8 points for Decision Making section which sent me over the passing score minimum substantially!