根据最新NCSBN“2023 RN Test plan”, 所有注册护士(RN)考生必须回答至少85个题目。考生在规定的五小时内最多可以回答150个项目。NGN考试将还会继续有独立的题目问题。 但是新的变化是,大约22-33%的问题将是反映当今护理实践的案例研究。这些案例研究将测试考生的临床判断能力,特别是护士在各种医疗环境中必须做出的关...
NCLEX-RN Test Plan Structure The NCLEX Examination Committee (NEC) reviews and approves the NCLEX-RN test plan, which includes a content distribution blueprint. Use this blueprint to develop your study plan. The test plan's general structure is: Client Needs Integrated Processes Clinical ...
考生每回答一定数量的题目后,计算机就会根据之前的答案评估考生的知识水平,并继续以这种方式选择题目,直到做出通过或失败的判定。 根据最新的NCSBN“2023 RN Test plan”,所有注册护士(RN)考生必须回答至少85个题目。在规定的五小时内,考生最多可以回答150个项目。NGN考试将继续有独立的题目问题,但大约22-33%的问题将...
Pass your NCLEX RN and PN nursing exam with ease! Take realistic practice exams and quizzes to boost your chances of passing the real exam on your first try. Wi…
RN® Examination》(下文统一简称为Saunders RN教材)这本书的主要内容是将NCSBN(美国州立护士局联合委员会)组织的NCLEX-RN考试(美国注册护士考试)所要求掌握的护理知识进行了一个比较全面的回顾和总结,旨在是帮助考生顺利通过考试,是一本全世界范围内广受欢迎和好评的RN应试辅导用书,也是中国考生备考RN的首选辅导资料...
NCLEX-RN Practice Questions Test Bank. An important step in the process of becoming a nurse, the National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN…
Below is the NCLEX-RN test plan effective as of April 2023 until March 2026: I. Safe and Effective Care Environment Management of Care 15–21% Safety and Infection Control 10-16% II. Health Promotion and Maintenance 6-12% III. Psychosocial Integrity 6-12% IV. Physiological Integrity ...
The NCLEX-RN is a computer-adaptive test (CAT), which means each question you answer correctly determines the difficulty of the next question, as well as the overall number of questions you will answer. For this reason, there are anywhere between 75 and 145 questions on the NCLEX-RN. There...
“I hadn't been successful in passing my first attempt at NCLEX-RN using Archer & Uworld. I believe that maybe I hadn't been able to sharpen my critical thinking skills as needed for this exam. Nclex is COMPLETELY different than any nursing exam i've taken and I tried to study for ...
You can obtain either an ADN degree (about two years) or a BSN degree (about four years), which usually involves instructional learning and clinical rotations. Diploma programs also exist, but they are relatively rare. All RN graduates will have to pass the NCLEX-RN exam to become licensed....