Prior to registering, be sure to look up your program code, a number specific to your geographical region and the school you attended. This code is required for registration. This is also the stage during which you'll pay the $200 exam fee. This registration will be open for one year ...
To be eligible for the NCLEX-RN you will need to: Apply for licensure/registration to the board of nursing/regulatory body (BON/RB) where you want to be registered. Register for the exam with Pearson VUE using your program code There is a $200 fee for this exam and additional licensure...
In presenting a workshop on parameters of cardiac function, which conditions should the nurse list as those most likely to lead to a decrease in preload? 1. Hemorrhage, sepsis, and anaphylaxis 2. Myocardial infarction, fluid overload, and diuresis 3. Fluid overload, sepsis, and vasodilation ...