在使用NCL处理nc文件时, 如果是wrfout结果,可以用“wrf_ij_to_ll”、“wrf_ll_to_ij ”或者“wrf_user_xy_to_ll”函数找到距离特定位置(如观测点)对应的网格文件中最近的网格点; 如果是普通的netcdf文件,可能用distance和nearest关键字找不到想要的函数,ncl在介绍时用了“closest”关键字。我们简单看一下两...
slp(:,{50:70},{110:120}) ;直线网格的变量在有经纬度信息的情况下可以直接读取需要的范围 wrfout需要用到函数wrf_user_ll_to_ij,可参考官网wrf_user_ll_to_ij (ucar.edu) 有两种使用方法,一种是输入一组经纬度,输出的是离这个点最近的格点的index loc = wrf_user_ll_to_ij(a,lon_station, lat_s...
locij = wrf_user_ll_to_ij(a, -87., 32.5, llres) locij = locij - 1 locX = locij(0) locY = locij(1) t2_point = a->T2(:,locY,locX) t2_plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,taus,t2_point,t2_res)"
samwisehawkins/wrftoolsPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork20 Star37 Code Issues3 Pull requests Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights Additional navigation options Files master config doc example ncl extract_time_series.ncl ...
.vim after autoload bin bundle colors dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .git_bashrc .gitconfig
Olivia Klupar is a Skagway native and the CEO and Founder ofVoyij.com, Alaska's local e-commerce marketplace for travelers to connect with small businesses from their favorite port towns and shop online.Voyij.comis on a mission to share the joy of Alaska with others and support local bus...
36、ingle or cumulative flash measurement.NOTESillUse single flash measurement when a single flash is sufficient.Use cumulative measurement when multiple flashes are needed (one to nine times.) Ten or more flashes are not possible,Single flashmeasurementCumulativemeasurement/ /a 4E 1?iJ1Flash measure...
loc = wrf_user_ll_to_ij(a,lon(istation), lat(istation), True)-1 output_u(istation,3)=loc(0) output_u(istation,4)=loc(1) output_u(istation,5::)=u(:,loc(1),loc(0)) end do opt =True M=filenum+5 fWidth = 7 ; specify the format width ...
master .vim after autoload bin bundle colors dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .git_bashrc .gitconfig ...