dtrend_msg Estimates and removes the least squares linear trend of the rightmost dimension from all grid points (missing values allowed). dtrend_msg_n Estimates and removes the least squares linear trend of the dim-th dimension from all grid points (missing values allowed). dtrend_n Estimates ...
systemfunc():执行系统命令并返回结果到NCL,多条UNIX命令可以用“,”隔开。22-24 12-14 8 Fortran语言不同于NCL之处,在于数组下标起始(NCL为0,Fortran为1)和变化最快的维度(NCL右边快于左边,Fortran左边快于右边)。 22-22 12-12 0 WRAPIT自动建立NCL-Fortran接口,WRAPIT77建立C接口,只调用定界符之间的代码。
dtrend_msg Estimates and removes the least squares linear trend of the rightmost dimension from all grid points (missing values allowed). dtrend_msg_n Estimates and removes the least squares linear trend of the dim-th dimension from all grid points (missing values allowed). dtrend_n Estimates ...