In order to receive your shore excursion discounts on board, please identify yourself as a Latitudes Rewards member and present your key card in person to the shore excursion desk at the time of purchase. 5 Photo discounts are not eligible for photo packages which include merchandise or ...
Although Tampa Bay is my home base, it had been 20 years since I had sailed from the port of Tampa. That 2002 sailing also happened to be my first cruise ever, a 4-night sailing to Key West and Cozumel on the Carnival Jubilee. A few weeks before my NCL Dawn cruise, however, I ha...
By far, this was the smoothest boarding process at any port we’ve been to so far. We arrived at the security checkpoint at 10:50am, had keycards in-hand at 10:58, and immediately boarded the ship by 11:03am without waiting for a boarding card. Two changes contributed a bit to t...
there was much walking, but also stops to sample hot sauces atPeppers of Key West(aPepper Palaceanalog, for those of you who may have seen that chain before) and key lime baked goods atKermit’s.
I did wander after lunch, and found a key point about Silver Cove: it was not complete. Going east from the Silver Cove Restaurant, the Ocean Villas were all fenced off so you couldn’t even try to get closer to what was previously the westernmost accessible area on the island. The vi...