# 创建图形 plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,x,y,res) # 添加标题 title = ("This is a test plot using PyNGL") gsn_add_text(wks,title,res,xy=(0.5,0.95)) # 关闭工作站以保存图像 gsn_frame(wks) 请注意,由于PyNGL是基于NCAR Graphics的,因此它的API可能与NCL有所不同,并且可能需要一些时间...
; 创建图形对象 wks = gsn_open_wks("png","integral_example") res = gsn_create_contour(wks,"Integral Example") ; 设置绘图数据 gsn_contour_set_field(res,y) gsn_contour_set_xaxis(res,x) ; 添加标题和标签 gsn_add_text(wks,res,0.5,0.95,"Integral of sin(x) from 0 to 10",:hcenter=...
Otherwise, you can setthe cnFillColors or vcLevelColors to arrays of color indices or names.Run the following script and compare the color fills in the two frames:title = This is a titleCwith a carriage returntxres = TruetxrestxFontHeightF = 0.03gsn_text_ndc(wks,title,0.5,0.5,txres)...
load $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl load $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl begin in = addfile( “myfile.nc, “r “) t = in-T wks = gsn_open_wks( “ps,ce) gsn_define_colormap(wks,BlAqGrYeOrRe) res = True res@cnFillOn = True res@cnLines...
When I call one of the gsn_csm_xxxx_map plotting scripts, I get an error message about a units attribute not being correct 40、.28. Im trying to create a contour, vector, or contour plot, and getting a weird error about spline approximation.29. When I print something in NCL, I get...
gsn_create_text 创建文本字符串 function gsn_create_text ( wks [1] : graphic, text : integer, res [1] : logical ) return_val : graphic 9 addfile 打开一个数据文件 function addfile ( (或将会)在支持的 file_path [1] : 文件格式写入 string, status [1] : string ) return_val [1] ...
名字gsnAddCyclic意义turn on/off the addition of a cyclic point to the longitude coordinate Values为图形添加一个字符串画出图形默认值对有一维坐标变量的数据是True可用值举例False gsnCenterString gsnDraw gsnMaximize N/A True “string here False True ...
NCL有三个添加文本的接口:gsn_text(图形坐标)、gsn_text_ndc(页面坐标)和gsn_add_text。只有最后一个函数会将文本和图形结合在一起。例: 二十一、X-Y坐标 下面的例子使用了接口gsn_csm_xy创建一个X-Y图形: f = addfile(\“x11\True res@tiMainString = \如果你要在一副图形上画多条线,你需要将每条线...