代码: begin input_path = "/mnt/d/linux/data_input/" output_path = "/mnt/d/linux/code/basic_study/" d1 = generate_2d_array(10,12, -10., 27., 0, (/120, 120/)) d2 = generate_2d_array(13,13, -5., 24., 0, (/120, 120/)) d3 = generate_2d_array(10,10, -4., 13...
NCL 绘图示例(一):折线图 施宁 (南京信息工程大学大气科学学院) begin ;--创建一个两维的数组 z2d = generate_2d_array(15,15,-100.,110.,0,(/3,38/)) ;4X38 的两维数组 year = 1979+ispan(1,38,1) ;作为x 轴 ;--折线的颜色及其名称 colors = (/black, black, black/) ;也可指定不同...
42. How can I generate some nice 2D random data 28、 for a contour and/or vector plot?Array functions1. How do I get the dimensions of an array?2. How do I create unique random subscripts?3. How do I eliminate missing values from a one-dimensional array?4. How do I generate a ...
generate_2d_array generate_unique_indices genNormalDist get1Dindex get1Dindex_Collapse get1Dindex_Exclude get_cpu_time get_file_suffix get_ncl_version get_script_name get_script_prefix_name get_sphere_radius getbitsone getenv getfiledimsizes ...
generate some nice 2D random data for a contour and/or vector plot Array functions How do I get the dimensions of an array How do I create unique random subscripts How do I eliminate missing values from a one-dimensional array How do I generate a one-dimensional array of equally-spaced ...
(nc_file,”slp”,time) WRF Generate Plots: A good start - OnLine Tutorial /wrf/ OnLineTutorial/ Graphics/ NCL/index.html 外部Fortran-C代码 外部代码, Fortran, C, 或者本地库可在NCL中执行 • 一般的步骤 – 开发一个wrapper (接口) 以传输参数 – 编译(比如, f77, f90, cc) – 链接外部...
master .vim after autoload bin bundle colors dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .git_bashrc .gitconfig ...