在NCL(NCAR Command Language)中,ezfftf_n函数是用于执行一维快速傅里叶变换(FFT)的函数之一。它是NCL中的一个内置函数,用于将时域信号转换为频域信号。 ezfftf_n函数的语法如下: output = ezfftf_n(input [, dim] [, isign])。 其中,input是输入的一维数组,dim是可选参数,指定进行FFT的维度,默认为1,isign...
ezfftf Perform a Fourier analysis on a periodic sequence. f2fosh Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid. f2fosh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid (retains metadata). ...
master .vim after autoload bin bundle colors dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .git_bashrc .gitconfig ...
QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS[二次函数](PPT-75) 热度: Inverse Functions反函数 热度: abs acos add90LatX add90LatY addfile addfiles addfiles_GetVar all angmom_atm any area_conserve_remap area_conserve_remap_Wrap area_hi2lores area_hi2lores_Wrap ...
22-24 12-14 8 Fortran语言不同于NCL之处,在于数组下标起始(NCL为0,Fortran为1)和变化最快的维度(NCL右边快于左边,Fortran左边快于右边)。 22-22 12-12 0 WRAPIT自动建立NCL-Fortran接口,WRAPIT77建立C接口,只调用定界符之间的代码。 WRAPIT filename.f WRAPIT-specified_f90_compilerfilename.stubfilename...
ezfftf Perform a Fourier analysis on a periodic sequence. f2fosh Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid. f2fosh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid (retains metadata). ...
bin bundle colors dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .git_bashrc .gitconfig .gitignore .gitmodules ...