div_q.plot.contour(levels=25, colors='black',linewidths=0.6) # 添加颜色条 fig.colorbar(contour, ax=ax, label='Water Vapor Flux Divergence (g/cm²/s)') # 使用quiver函数需要确保数据的间隔,这里我们每隔5个点取样 Q = ax.quiver(longitude[::5], latitude[::5], u[::5, ::5], v[:...
colors = ['blue' if val < 0 else 'red' for val in values] ax = fig.add_subplot(grid_space) ax.bar(years, values, color=colors, width=1.0, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5) # 添加主要和次要刻度线,并设置刻度线的密度和标签大小 gvutil.add_major_minor_ticks(ax, x_minor_per_major=...
res3@gsnXYFillColors = "lightblue" ;设置两条线之间的填充色 res3@xyLineColors = (/-1,-1/) ; 设置两条线为透明色 ;plot3b = gsn_csm_xy (wks,date,(/T_max,T_min/),res3) ;绘制图1、图2时要把这句“;” ;叠加图3b到图3a上 ;overlay(plot3a,plot3b) ;绘制图1、图2时要把这句“...
NCL-PopularLinks->ColorTables•Howtochange/createyourowncolortable•Usingnamedcolors•Imagesofavailablecolortables http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/color_tables.shtml NCLWebsiteTourhttp://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ Popularlinks •••••.hluresfileMarkersDashpatternsFonttablesColor...
IntroductiontoNCLGraphics NCLV6.0.0和V6.1.x的不同之处 6.0.0andearlier6.1.0andlater •默认字体为times-roman•默认colortable有32colors•gsnSpreadColors为False•lbLabelAutoStride为False•默认函数代码是„:‟•最多256colors•Namedcolors必须首先被加入到colormap•不可以部分地使用...
In Linux, how can I get the absolute path of the Python binary I am using from the command line? CodeIgniter 3 redirect function not working DataGrid - Mouse enter + leave row events Set button's width to star Ridding X and Y Axes of NA and Index Labels Respectively ...
Is there a continuation character in NCL? How do I easily convert a number to a string? How do I create a new variable that doesnt contain a _FillValue attribute? How do I create a double, long, short, or byte variable without using new or one of the conversion routines, like integer...
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If I am creating a color contour or vector plot, how do I select my colors such that they are spread across my whole color map? How do I generate a wire-frame surface or isosurface plot in NCL? How do I draw weather symbols (wind barbs, weather front lines, high and low pressure ...