7.write_table——向文件输出列表中各元素 21 31 32-34 22-24 10 1.array_append_record——向数组追加元素 22 32 描述∶ x1和x2维数相同,右边维度相同,最左边一维合并成新数组,即(a01,a1,…,an)和(a02,a1,…,an)合并成(a01+a02,a1,…,an)。 2.merge_levels_sfc——合并分层数据和地表数据 22 3...
(retains meta data) array_append_record Attaches [appends] additional records [leftmost dimension] to a previously existing array. asciiread Reads a file that contains ASCII representations of basic data types. asciiwrite Creates an ascii text file of numeric or string data type. asin Computes ...
NCL简介 •专为(大气)科学•数据分析和可视化•程序设计语言 NCL优势和缺点 •足够便捷 –较低的学习成本–简练的文件和图形接口–良好的文档和示例 netCDF-3、netCDF-4classic、netCDF-4、HDF4、二进制、ASCII文本HDF-EOS2、HDF-EOS5、GRIB1、GRIB2、OGR •足够强大 –丰富而有针对性的函数库–漂亮...
待分类 文档标签: NCL函数40functions41 系统标签: nclfunctions函数 absacosadd90LatXadd90LatYaddfileaddfilesaddfiles_GetVarallangmom_atmanyarea_conserve_remaparea_conserve_remap_Wraparea_hi2loresarea_hi2lores_Wraparray_append_recordasciireadasciiwriteasinassignFillValueatanatan2attsetvaluesavgband_pass_are...
stolow resolutiongridsusinglocalareaaveraging. (retainsmetadata) array_append_recordAttaches[appends]additionalrecords[leftmost dimension]toapreviouslyexistingarray. asciireadReadsafilethatcontainsASCIIrepresentations ofbasicdatatypes. asciiwriteCreatesanasciitextfileofnumericorstringdata type. asinComputestheinversesine...
area_hi2lores_Wrap Interpolates from high resolution grids to low resolution grids using local area averaging. (retains meta data) array_append_record Attaches [appends] additional records [leftmost dimension] to a previously existing array.
.vim after autoload bin bundle colors dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .git_bashrc .gitconfig
array1(0:63) = file_data(0:63) Graphing is a bit more complex. The first step is to create a data object that will store the values to be graphed. For example, you could use something like this: field1 = create "field1" coordArraysClass defaultapp ...
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY SYS.dbms_random AS mem num_array; -- big internal state hidden from the user counter BINARY_INTEGER := 55;-- counter through the results saved_norm NUMBER := NULL; -- unused random normally distributed value ...
Pay attention to where "libhdfeos.a" file gets installed under the hdfeos/lib directory (for example, "hdfeos/lib/linux64"), and copy or move this file to your library installation directory. Do the same for the include files. Do not copy libGctp.a! For example, on a 64-bit linux...