lat = fspan(-90,90,73) lon = fspan(lon_1,lon_2,toint((lon_2-lon_1)/2.5+1)) geog = area_hi2lores_Wrap(elev&lon,elev&lat,elev,True,1,lon,lat,False) geogsection = geog({stdlat},:) ; geogsection = geog(:,{stdlon}) ;; Determine the terrain topo2d = conform(temp,geogsec...
opt=Falsesstnew=area_conserve_remap_Wrap(sst&lon,sst&lat,sst,lonersstv5,latersstv5,opt)opt=Trueopt@critpc=50;requireonly50%of the values to be present sstnew=area_hi2lores_Wrap(sst&lon,sst&lat,sst,True,1,lonersstv5,latersstv5,opt)sstnew=linint2_Wrap(sst&lon,sst&lat,sst,True,lone...
area_hi2lores_Wrap Interpolates from high resolution grids to low resolution grids using local area averaging. (retains meta data) array_append_record Attaches [appends] additional records [leftmost dimension] to a previously existing array. asciiread Reads a file that contains ASCII representations ...
bundle colors dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .git_bashrc .gitconfig .gitignore .gitmodules
1.用F77语法创建.stub文件,声明子程序和接口参量,并添加接口分界符标注 13 23 2.用WRAPIT建立共享对象 13 23 3.NCL命名和调用(同F77) 13 23 23-24 13-14 4 编写F77程序调用商业库,再编译成共享对象。 1.编写F77程序调用商业库 13 23 14 24 2.用WRAPIT编译F77文件并指定商业函数库位置(假定为IMSL的子...
evaluateasTrue. area_conserve_remapPerformarealconservativeremappingon rectilineargrids. area_conserve_remap_WrapPerformarealconservativeremappingon rectilineargridsandpreservesmetadata. area_hi2loresInterpolatesfromhighresolutiongridstolow resolutiongridsusinglocalareaaveraging. area_hi2lores_WrapInterpolatesfromhigh...
(“, r) p = f-PRC P = area_conserve_remap_Wrap (plon, plat, p \ ,newlon, newlat, False) Regrid:面积守恒内插 area_hi2lores, area_hi2lores_Wrap • 直线型格点; 可在有限区域中 • _Wrap 保留属性; 生成坐标变量 • 允许有缺测值 • 为TRMM资料设计 并不严格‘守恒’ …...
area_hi2lores_Wrap Interpolates from high resolution grids to low resolution grids using local area averaging. (retains meta data) array_append_record Attaches [appends] additional records [leftmost dimension] to a previously existing array. asciiread Reads a file that contains ASCII representations ...
estani/environmentPublic Notifications Fork0 Star1 Files master .vim after autoload bin bundle colors dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others