NCIS: Los Angelesis a popular TV series combining elements of the military drama and police procedural genres. The series premiered on CBS on September 22, 2009. It is the firstNCISspinoff series and is the franchise’s second longest-running show, behind only the parent show, which is in...
NCIS: Criminología Navales el tercer drama estadounidense de prime time más longevo de la historia. Debido a su éxito han surgido ya otros spin-offs, como NCIS: Los Angeles,NCIS: Sydney,NCIS: HawaiiyNCIS: New Orleans. Además, a finales del 2023 se co...
By Greg Braxton
CBS has announced a new NCIS spin-off set in Hawaii, and confirmed the future of NCIS: Los Angeles.
NCIS: Los Angeles has bid farewell to fans in a sweet series finale, teasing there may be more ahead for its two leads. The NCIS spinoff came to a close after 14 seasons with a two-part send-off ('New Beginnings'), with the second half airing last night (May 21) in the US. ...
This would mark CBS’ third NCIS spinoff and the fourth NCIS series overall, joining the Mark Harmon-headlined mothership, NCIS: Los Angeles and NCIS: New Orleans.More from TVLineNCIS Shocker: Who Died During the Time Jump to Pandemic Times? Plus, Who Is Leaving the Team?Jag Revival ...
An "NCIS" spin-off following the undercover agents of the NCIS Office of Special Projects, working from a Spanish mission headquarters in Los Angeles. There are no TV Airings of NCIS: Los Angeles in the next 14 days. Add NCIS: Los Angeles to your Watchlist to find out when it's ...
Michael WeatherlyandCote de Pabloare bringing back their iconic characters in a new spinoff aptly titled,NCIS: Tony & Ziva. Theseries was announcedby Paramount+ in February 2024, with confirmation that they would be bringing back Weatherly and de Pablo. Weatherly starred on the military drama...
CBS Planning 'NCIS: LA' Spin-Off Now in its 10th season and with over 200 episodes under its belt, monster hitNCIS'magnitude continues to reverberate across the network TV landscape. The show still draws a massive viewership each week, and in 2009 it spawned the spin-offNCIS: Los Angeles...
Though NCIS spinoffs such as NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS: New Orleans, NCIS: Hawai’i and the in-the-works NCIS: Origins/Young Gibbs prequel series were ordered by CBS to air on CBS, the Tony/Ziva spinoff was greenlit by, and will stream on, the Paramount+ streaming service. (NCIS: ...