.There were no difference in EGFR gene mutation between NCI-H1975 and its subpopulations.Conclusions NCI-H1975 were heterogeneous on proliferation ability and drug reactivity and its heterogeneity were associated with sensitivity and resistance of drug treatment.%目的 探讨人非小细胞肺癌NCI-H1975细胞的...
NCI-H1975 Purified Genomic DNA, Quantitative (EGFR Mutants), 3 μg推荐供应商 我要询价 ATCC 联系电话:15317324578 17301805756 电子邮件:ATCC@qq.com CB指数:58 网址:www.atcc.org 相关信息:产品目录(3339)用户评价 英文名称:NCI-H1975 Purified Genomic DNA, Quantitative (EGFR Mutants), 3 μg...
EGFR 基因突变可以分为两大 类,一个是药物敏感突变,也就是突变后可以使用某种靶向药物(如 19 缺失,L858R 突变),另一个是耐药突变,即突变后对某种靶向药物耐药(如 T790M 突变)。 II. Description EGFR[L858R-T790M-C797S] NCI-H1975 药靶细胞,通过转导突变状态 的 EGFR[L858R-T790M-C797S]基因到 NCI-H1975...
.There were no difference in EGFR gene mutation between NCI-H1975 and its subpopulations.Conclusions NCI-H1975 were heterogeneous on proliferation ability and drug reactivity and its heterogeneity were associated with sensitivity and resistance of drug treatment.%目的 探讨人非小细胞肺癌NCI-H1975细胞的...
Cytotoxicity against NCI-H1975 cancer cell line and EGFR inhibitory activity of Gefitinib and its analogues.Bo ZhangJiao JiaoYing LiuLiangXia GuoBo ZhouGangQin LiZhuJun YaoGuangBiao Zhou