NCERT Books for UPSC When it comes to the sources for IAS exam preparation, the NCERT UPSC Books and NIOS material play an important role. While many recommend the aspirants to read the NCERT UPSC Books, no one explains which NCERT Books should be given importance. ...
As a teacher with years of experience guiding students towards success in the UPSC Civil Services Examination, I highly recommend Oswaal Books for their unique and eff...Read more Amit Kumar Negi, Maths Teacher My experience with oswaal books team is excellent. According to my concern "Oswaal...
Old NCERT Vs New NCERT Books for UPSC IAS Exams Another question that is often asked is whether to read Old NCERT or New NCERT Books? This section tries to answer all your queries related to this question Old and new NCERTs: A Comparison Edition: Generally the NCERTs published before 2005...
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As you start your preparation for the IAS/ UPSC exam, you would be advised to give a good read to the standard NCERT textbooks before catching up on with the advanced material. Recommended Books for IAS Prep (Amazon links on pics) #1. Indian Polity by Laxmikanth #2. Environment (Shankar...
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NCERT Books for Class 6 to 12 (Subject-wise in Hindi)Now you can download the NCERT books for Class 6 – 12 subject-wise in Hindi. All the NCERT Books PDFs are to download without any sign-up. Some state boards also use the NCERT books in Hindi. Hence, if you are from a state ...
NCERT Books Free Download for Preparing CBSE Board, UP Board, MP Board, Bihar Board, Uttarakhand board, State Boards and UPSC Exams.
You can download NCERT books in PDF format from Direct Links are provided which will enable students to access books in both offline and online format. Are Old NCERT helpful in UPSC preparation? Yes, Old Ncert Books has to-the-point content which is easier to revise and...
Free NCERT Books Download Reading NCERT books is must for IAS preparation. They are useful both for the Prelims as well as the Mains exam. The NCERT books can be treated as guide for the UPSC exams preparation. Their importance has increased manifold with the increase in the number of papers...