The FE exam pass rates reflect how candidates perform across different engineering disciplines. As of 2024, here are the latest pass rates for first-time test-takers: FE Chemical: 73% FE Civil: 65% FE Electrical and Computer: 69% FE Environmental: 74% FE Industrial and Systems: 78% FE Me...
Serene111 Civil/Environmental Feb 20, 2020 19 The question used in the NCEES official practice is using the SI one. However, everything given is in gpm and ft. The solution just plugged in all the numbers to the SI equation and obtain an answer. I think that was a mistake. Upvote 0...
Licensure (1 Year): To earn the PE license, candidates must pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam, complete the required work experience, and pass the PE Civil Structural Exam. Preparing for these exams can take several months to a year, depending on individual readiness and study ti...
FE PE SE Choose Your Engineering Exam Choose your exam What Makes PPI Exam Prep Different? PPI Learning Hub: The Learning Hub is more than an eLearning platform—it is a time-tested program that guides examinees through their exam prep from start to finish. ...
FE Exam Details PE Civil Exam Details PE Mechanical Exam Details PE Electrical Exam Details FE FAQs PE FAQs Architecture ARE 5.0 Divisions All Divisions ARE Practice Management ARE Project Management ARE Programming & Analysis ARE Project Planning & Design ARE Project Development & Do...