Current FE exam pass rates The FE exam pass rates reflect how candidates perform across different engineering disciplines. As of 2024, here are the latest pass rates for first-time test-takers: FE Chemical: 73% FE Civil: 65% FE Electrical and Computer: 69% FE Environmental: 74% FE Industri...
FE Learning Hub PE Exam Prep PE Civil Construction Geotechnical Structural Transportation Water Resources & Environmental CA Seismic CA Surveying PE Mechanical HVAC & Refrigeration Machine Design & Materials Thermal & Fluid Systems PE Electrical & Computer Power Electronics, Controls, & Communications PE...
Then during its August 1994 Annual Business Meeting, the NCEES voted to make the FE examination a discipline-specific examination. As a result of the 1994 vote, the FE examination was developed to test the lower-division subjects of a typical bachelor engineering degree program during the morning...
Serene111 Civil/Environmental Feb 20, 2020 19 The question used in the NCEES official practice is using the SI one. However, everything given is in gpm and ft. The solution just plugged in all the numbers to the SI equation and obtain an answer. I think that was a mistake. Upvote 0...
How to Prepare for the FE and PE Exams Always Consider How an Engineering Job Will Affect Obtaining Your PE License The Importance of Professional Licensure for Civil Engineers Sort by date Sort by votes Jan 24, 2007 #2 MiketheEngineer Structural Sep 7, 2005 4,654 Works great and ...
FE Chemical Customer "The organization and schedule of classes was the most beneficial part of the course. I would not have been so motivated to study if I was doing it by myself." Austin Industry Insights Everything About Structural Engineering ...