新西兰大学的入学要求也就是University Entrance (UE) ,一般的最低要求如下:University Entrance (UE) is the minimum requirement to go to a New Zealand university. To be awarded UE you will need:•NCEA Level 3•Three subjects - at Level 3, made up of: •14 credits in each of three ap...
具体的课程要求可以参考NZQA的详细介绍https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/subjects/literacy-and-numeracy/level-1-requirements/ NCEA申请大学 完成了13年级,获得了NCEA 三级证书就可以申请大学了吗? 学生获得NCEA Level 3等级证书并不代表符合大学的录取的要求University Entrance-UE。 大家经常对UE有疑问,什么样的成绩...
Once you have met the requirements for University Entrance it will appear on your Record of Achiev...
一样可以接受NCEA,具体情况因国家而有所不同,NZQA下面的网页,列出了和世界主要国家对接的情况: https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/studying-in-new-zealand/secondary-school-and-ncea/international-recognition-of-ncea/specific-country-requirements/ 但是需要注意,不同国家、不同的大学,其实对于学生的入学要求,是各不相同...
not part of the New Zealand Curriculum but can earn credits towards both NCEA and other (non-NCEA) qualifications.THE ESSENTIAL THINGS YoU NEED To KNow ABoUT NCEAStandards and creditsSecondary schools offer subjects made up of (subject components) that are assessed to meet the NCEA requirements....
1个Merit (良好)学分 3 分 1个 Excellent (优秀)学分 4 分 且:只能计算分数最高的5门课的成绩,每门课的成绩最高为24个学分,并且只能选择成绩最好的80个学分进行计算。这样的情况下,很多学生的Rank Score通常都为120分-320分。 University entry requirements for other domestic students ...
NCEA - Accounting a Next Step - Level Two is a new series of texts and workbooks that have been specifically designed to meet the requirements of the revised 2012 Level 2 Achievement Standards in accounting. This resource is a combined textbook/workbook that covers Achievement Standard 91386 (2.7...
N1 1/6 requirements for Achievement is met Evidence of analysis include:(a) Balance on goods. (b)(i) Level of exports after the change in world price clearly labelled plus higher world price labelled (see Appendix Two).(ii) Explaining that New Zealand consumers will be worse off due to ...
thatreflectedtherequirementsoftheEnglishlevel1and2standards. Page3of17 COURSEOUTLINE:SeniorNCEAESOL Duration:OneyearELLP/ELIPlevel:Stage2-3 Ongoingprogrammes Achievementobjectives:Englishcurriculumlevels3-6 Tolearnhighfrequencyvocabulary Tointegratesourcesofinformation,processesandstrategiestoconfidentlyidentifyformandex...
Once you have met the requirements for University Entrance it will appear on your Record of Achievement. 中文翻译如下: 1. NCEA3级的3门认可的课程每门课达到14学分, 2. 2级及以上的的英语获得10个学分,其中5个学分的阅读,5个学分的写作。