估计考完NCEA exam还差几分80...肿么办 分享1赞 新西兰吧 浅色Alive 学NCEA economic level2的小伙伴戳进来如题,经济的那个internal报告咋写啊 分享6赞 墨尔本大学吧 _希瓦 墨大承认NCEA吗,需要什么样的新西兰NCEA成绩?需要新西兰什么样的NCEA才能被录取?谢谢啦 分享回复赞 化学吧 伊丿-不悔 新西兰ncea高三题...
这次的故障发生在NCEA在线考试系统当中:这周内已经出现了第二次,一些高中生因在线参加考试的问题而受到干扰。 NZQA 评估副首席执行官 Jann Marshall 在一份声明中表示,这次的一级英语考试(the level one English exam)是“有史以来...
Each standard carries a certain number of points or (typically between 2 and 6) that are awarded when you satisfy the assessment for that standard. A subject such as Level 1 English might be made up of anywhere from 4 or 5 to 10 or more standards, which can allow you to earn as ...