NCDEX,全称为National Commodity and Derivative EXchange,中文解释为“全国商品及衍生产品交易所”。这个缩写词在英语中广泛应用于股票交易所领域,其拼音为quán guó shāng pǐn jí yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn jiāo yì suǒ,流行度达到了35,513次。它代表的是一个专门交易商品和衍生产品的国家级...
For NCDEX, the most prominent benefit of migrating to OpenText (formerly Vertica) has been the 96.6% reduction in annual database licensing fees. Furthermore, the virtualization of the database platform and its deployment on commodity hardware have unlocked annual infrastructure savings of 27.8% vers...
The National Commodities and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) is an agricultural commodity exchange in India. It consists of independent directors and offers an independent online platform for commodity trading. It was incorporated on April 23, 2003, as a public limited company under the Compa...
"During September-October, NCDEX sugar futures may trade at Rs 3,350-Rs 3,650 per quintal due to festive demand, while during November-December the price may touch Rs 3,150 and thereafter Rs 3,025 per quintal," says Ajitesh Mullick, assistant vice president, retail research, Religare Brokin...
期货日报网讯(记者张田苗)据外媒报道,印度国家商品及衍生品交易所(NCDEX)计划于11月12日上市葵花籽油期货。印度是世界最大的葵花籽油进口国,每年从俄罗斯、乌克兰、罗马尼亚和保加利亚进口250万—300万吨。NCDEX董事总经理Arun Raste称,当前葵花籽油进口量逐年递增,但进口商无法避险,行业急需期货产品应对价格波动。上个...
印度碳交易所(MCX和NCDEX) 印度的多种商品交易所(MCX)和国家商品及衍生品交易所(NCDEX)两家交易所已推出碳金融衍生品,MCX推出EUA期货和5种CER期货,而NCDEX则在2008年4月推出CER期货。MCX由纽交所、CCX、花旗等金融机构投资,印度境内有银行等金融机构介入碳融资,宽松环境吸引了大量企业参与,有力支持印度本地CER的...
NCDEX Turmeric Turmeric futures ExchangeNational Commodity & Derivatives Exchange SettlementPhysically delivered Contract Size10 metric tons Pricing UnitNeed pricing unit! Tick Value1 Rupee Contract MonthsAll months Last Trading Day20th day of the delivery month. If 20th happens to be a holiday, a ...
Kuvaus NSE and NCDEX Live Rates Market Watch: Real-time market rates for NSE Stocks, NSE Futures, NSE Currency, NSE Options, NCDEX. India market watch rates available with last price, change, open, high and low. NSE, NCDEX & Future Realtime rates updated with 5 seconds interval. ...
印度姜黄现货价格反弹,NCDEX期货触及上轨 昨日,受较低价格水平推动的强劲需求助长了主要现货市场的姜黄价格大幅攀升。NCDEX期货在早盘时段的上涨使得卖家变得不活跃,从而进一步刺激了需求。各市场的价格每公担上涨了300至700卢比。近期价格调整之后,当前价格水平吸引了强劲的需求,尽管出口需求仍然疲软。到货报告显示,...