Lung Cancer Screening DiscussionUpdates in Version 1.2023 of the NCCN Guidelines for Lung Cancer Screening from Version 2.2022 include:General Link revised throughout: See appropriate NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.LCS-1 Risk Assessment:First bullet revised: Cigarette Ssmoking history.Se...
[16] Wood DE, Kazerooni EA, Aberle DR, et al. NCCN clinical practice guidelines in oncology (NCCN Guidelines®), lung cancer screening, version 2.2023[EB/OL]. (2023-05-27)[2023-06-23].
NCCN指南基于北美人群的监测、流行病学和结果(The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results,SEER)数据库推荐筛查方案,其肺癌疾病谱同中国肺癌人群及疾病特征现状存在一定差异,临床实践时应在参考NCCN指南基础上结合我国肺癌疾病谱特征。 1 肺癌高危因素及评估 肺癌筛查的首要任务是聚焦肺癌高风险人群,在提升识别高危...
NCCNGuidelinesVersion2.2024NCCNGuidelinesIndex TableofContents Non-SmallCellLungCancerDiscussion DavidS.Ettinger,MD/Chair†ScottGettinger,MD†ÞDwightH.Owen,MD,MSc† TheSidneyKimmelComprehensiveYaleCancerCenter/SmilowCancerHospitalTheOhioStateUniversityComprehensive ...
Updates in Version 7.2017 of the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer from Version 6.2017 include: 非小细胞肺癌NCCN指南2017第7版较2017第6版的更新包括: NSCL-20 ALK rearrangement discovered prior to first-line chemotherapy: Alectinib added as a category 1 treatment option and preferred. ...
Updates in Version 1.2017 of the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer from Version 4.2016 include: 非小细胞肺癌NCCN指南从2016第4版起2017第1版的更新包括: PREV-1 * Link added to the NCCN Guidelines for Smoking Cessation. *增加了至NCCN戒烟指南的链接。
The panel also revisited the NCCN Guidelines for surveillance after successful local therapy for esophageal and gastroesophageal junction cancers. The optimal surveillance strategy for these patients has remained controversial, with no high-level evidence to guide the development of algorithms that balance ...
The schedule for follow-up examinations is shown in the algorithm (see Surveillance in the NCCN Guidelines for Small Cell Lung Cancer); the frequency of surveillance decreases during subsequent years because of the declining risk of recurrence. PET-CT or brain MRI (or CT) is not recommended for...
CHOR-3 Chordoma Surveillance • 2nd bullet modified: "Imaging of surgical site as clinically indicated (eg, x-ray, CT with contrast +/- MRI with contrast) up to 10 y" • 4th bullet deleted: "CT of abdomen and pelvis with contrast annually" BONE-B 1 of 3 Bone Cancer Systemic ...
A patient who has metastatic disease in the liver or lung should be considered for surgical resection if he or she is a candidate for surgery and if surgery can extend survival. The committee advocates a conservative post-treatment surveillance program for colon and rectal cancer patients. A ...