2. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines). Colon Cancers. Version 4.2023 3. Wang F, Zhao Q, Wang Y N, et al. Evaluation of POLE and POLD1 mutations as biomarkers for immunotherapy outcomes ...
2. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines). Colon Cancers. Version 4.2023 3.Watanabe J, Muro K, Shitara K, et al. Panitumumab vs bevacizumab added to standard first-line chemotherapy and ove...
NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines ® )结肠癌续版本 1.2022 — 2022 年 2 月 25日NCCN.orgNCCN Guidelines for Patients ® 可于网址 www.nccn.org/patients获取版本 1.2022, 2022年 2⽉25 ⽇© 2022 National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), 保留所有权利...
2021年10月,大型肠癌早筛临床研究(DECIPHER-Colon)成果发表于J Hematol Oncol(IF=28.5);2021年12月,大型肝癌早筛临床研究(DECIPHER-Liver)成果发表于Hepatology(IF=13.5);2022年6月,国内首个大型泛癌种早筛研究(DECIPHER-Multi)成果发表于Mol Cancer(IF=37.3);2022年6月,国内首个基于cfDNA Motif特征的肺癌早筛大...
This is called How liver cancer spreads metastatic colon cancer to the liver. Liver cancer can spread in many ways. It can There is more than one type of primary liver spread directly through the liver. It can also cancer in adults. The most common type spread to an area far from the ...
This selection from the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines) for Colon Cancer focuses on systemic therapy options for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), because important updates have recently been made to this section. These updates include recommendations ...
2. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines). Colon Cancers. Version 4.2023 3. Wang F, Zhao Q, Wang Y N, et al. Evaluation of POLE and POLD1 mutations as biomarkers for immunotherapy outcomes across multiple cancer types[J]. JAMA oncology, 2019, 5(10): 1504-1506....
colon cancer ——2012NCCN诊疗指南作者 ouyangxinjun来源: 小木虫 250 5 举报帖子 +关注 结肠癌——2012年指南,可以参考学习 下载提醒:APP中打开可直接下载,点击下载 结肠癌.pdf 返回小木虫查看更多分享至: 更多 今日热帖学好针灸必推荐看... 八年制第三版医学... 高血压规范化防治... 印度易瑞沙价格?.....
参考文献 1. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines). Colon Cancer. Version 3.2022 2. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines). Rectal Cancer. Version 4.2022 3. FDA grants accelerated approval to tucatinib with trastuzumab for colorectal cancer. January 19...
ColonCancer Version2.2016 NCCN.org NCCNGuidelinesforPatients®availableat.nccn/patients PrintedbyDaiWXDaiWXon2/20/20169:56:11AMForpersonaluseonlyNotapprovedfordistributionCopyright©2016NationalComprehensiveCancerNetwork(Inc)AllRightsReserved NCCNGuidelinesIndexolonCancerTableofContentsiscussionCCNGuidelinesVersion...