Personalized oncology also demands that clinicians present guideline information to each patient in a thorough, comprehendible and unbiased manner. Finally, the patient’s ability to process that information for shared decision-making about whether an intervention is consistent with their personal ...
34、3:T3,T4 or any T,N1 after R0 resection 2008.v.1NCCN guideline:RT,45-50.4Gy+concurrent 5-FU based radiosensitization(preferred)+5-FUleucovorin or ECF if received preoperatively(category 1) Recommendation of Chinese version: Add foot note If D0/D1 resection: agreed the above; If D2 ...
T1 or T2 tumor BINV-M 1 or 2 positive SLNs Principles of Monitoring Metastatic Disease - this page is new to Breast conserving therapy the guideline. Whole breast RT planned BINV-N No neoadjuvant chemotherapy A single study (BOLERO-2) in women with hormone receptor Following “sentinel ...
GAST-3:after R1 resection 2008.v.1NCCN guideline: RT,45-50.4Gy+concurrent 5-FU-based radiosensitization (preferred) +5-FU±leucovorin Recommendation of Chinese version: To add “Clinical trials” as another option. V325 研究结果 TCF(多西紫杉醇、顺铂、5FU)是用于预后较好的患者的一项新的治疗...
(to aged or poor performance status) Update of 2009.v.2 NCCN guideline ——Chinese version Randomized Phase III Study In First Line For AGC Study Regimen N RR (%) p-value MST p-value V325 2006 DCF CF 103 105 38.7 23.2 .012 10.2m 8.5m .0064 Kang Y 2006 XP FP 160 156 41 29 ...
Result: path CR: 26% R0 resection :77%, 1 year:more patients with path CR (82%) are living than those with less than path CR (69%) GAST-C 1 of 2: preoperative chemoradiation 2008.v.1NCCN guideline: Paclitaxel/docetaxel + fluoropyrimidine(5- FU+capecitabine) category 2B; Recommendation...
Clinical Practice Guideline Access this article Log in via an institution Buy article PDF 39,95 € Price includes VAT (China (P.R.)) Instant access to the full article PDF. Rent this article via DeepDyve Institutional subscriptions Sections References REFERENCE Rights and permissions About ...
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Result: path CR:26% R0 resection :77%, 1 year:more patients with path CR (82%) are living than those with less than path CR (69%) GAST-C 1 of 2: preoperative chemoradiation 2008.v.1NCCN guideline: Paclitaxel/docetaxel + fluoropyrimidine(5- FU+capecitabine) category 2B; Recommendation ...
p指南索引 s.asp宫颈癌目录讨论治疗单纯子宫切除术后意外发现浸润性癌病理检查IA1期无LVSI参见“监测”(CERV-10)盆腔放疗i+ 近距离放疗i±含顺铂的同步化疗k切缘阴性;影像学检查阴性观察或如原发肿瘤大、间质浸润深、和/或LVSI,可选盆腔 ...