= '/') start--; // Check whether the parent path looks like "BBBB:BB:DD.F" or not. if (checkBDFFormat(path+start+1) == 0) { // This a CPU root complex. Create a CPU tag and stop there. struct ncclXmlNode* topNode; NCCLCHECK(xmlFindTag(xml, "system", &to...
NCCLCHECK(xmlSetAttrInt(node, "rank", r)); NCCLCHECK(xmlInitAttrInt(node, "gdr", comm->peerInfo[r].gdrSupport)); } } ... } 首先通过xmlAddNode创建根节点"system"(后续使用双引号表示xml树节点),并设置根节点属性"system" ["version"] = NCCL_TOPO_XML_VERSION,然后遍历每个rank的hosthash,如...
> How to check the version of NCCL - Stack Overflow you can do python -c "import torch;print(torch.cuda.nccl.version))" withpytorch. I wish I new the terminal command withoutpytorch.Read more > NVIDIA/nccl: Optimized primitives for collective multi ... - GitHub NCCL (pronounced...
当你遇到 ncclinternalerror: internal check failed 这样的错误时,通常表明在使用 NVIDIA Collective Communications Library (NCCL) 进行分布式训练时遇到了内部检查失败的问题。下面是一些可能的解决步骤和考虑因素,帮助你解决这个问题: 检查NCCL版本: 确保你使用的NCCL版本与你的PyTorch或其他深度学习框架版本兼容。有时...
NCCLCHECK(ncclNetGetProperties(n, &props)); struct ncclXmlNode* netNode; NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoFillNet(xml, props.pciPath, props.name, &netNode)); } 先看ncclTopoFillGpu,从本GPU node根据pci-e的pciPath开始一路自底向上建立pciNode直到rc(cpu/numa node),比如说GPU0 -> PCI-1 -> PCI-0 -> ...
NCCLCHECK(fillInfo(comm, myInfo, commHash)); ... } 创建nrank个allGather1Data,然后通过fillInfo 填充当前rank的peerInfo,ncclPeerInfo是rank的一些基本信息,比如rank号,在哪个机器的哪个进程等。 struct ncclPeerInfo { int rank; int cudaDev;
To check perf against your own container/config: Create an environment based on the content from directoryenvironments/azureml/. Create this environment usingaz ml environment createcommand above. Modifygpu_perf_job.ymlto use your new environment name/version. ...
{ NCCLCHECK(comm->ncclCollNet->regMr(collComm, data, size, type, mhandle)); return ncclSuccess; } /* DMA-BUF support */ static ncclResult_t collNetRegMrDmaBuf(struct ncclComm* comm, void* collComm, void* data, int size, int type, uint64_t offset, int fd, void** mhandle) {...
python -c "import torch; print(f'PyTorch version: {torch.__version__}. Cuda Version {torch.version.cuda}')" PyTorch version: 2.5.1+cu124. Cuda Version 12.4 nvcc --version nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2024 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Tue_Oct_29_23:50:19...
The NCCL_IB_ROCE_VERSION_NUM variable defines the RoCE version associated to the infiniband GID dynamically selected by NCCL when NCCL_IB_GID_INDEX is left unset. Values accepted The default value is 2.NCCL_IB_SL (since 2.1.4) Defines the InfiniBand Service Level. For more information, see...