2、Sendrecv 相关系列 【分布式】NCCL部署与测试 - 01 【分布式】入门级NCCL多机并行实践 - 02 【分布式】小白看Ring算法 - 03 【分布式】大模型分布式训练入门与实践 - 04 【分布式】NCCL Split Tree kernel内实现情况 - 05 简述 NCCL(NVIDIA Collective Communications Library)是一种由NVIDIA开发的高性能通信库...
Collective通信函数: Reduce, Allreduce, ReduceScatter, Allgather, Broadcast Point-to-Point通信函数: Send,Recv 基于Ring拓扑的优化算法: Allreduce。Allreduce示意图:从多个sender那里接收数据,最终规约到每一个节点上: NCCL采用Ring拓扑实现Allreduce操作,避免了多次通过CPU系统内存进行数据移动,同时利用GPU间P2P功能...
进程(Process):在分布式训练中,每个GPU通常对应一个进程。 通信(Communication):包括点对点通信(如send/recv)和集合通信(如broadcast、all-reduce等)。 PyTorch中使用NCCL 要在PyTorch中使用NCCL,您首先需要确保已安装NVIDIA GPU驱动、CUDA和PyTorch(建议使用支持NCCL的版本)。 下面是一个简单的PyTorch分布式训练示例,使用...
--warmup_iters <warmup iteration count> -c,--check <check iteration count> -d,--datatype <nccltype/all> -z,--blocking <0/1> -T,--timeout -C,--report_cputime <0/1> -R,--local_register <1/0> enable local buffer registration on send/recv buffers (default: disable) ...
sendrecv_perf:测试 point-to-point 通信的性能。 编译与安装 安装依赖,nccl-test 依赖 nccl, cuda, mpi: nccl & cuda: https://developer.nvidia.com/nccl/nccl-download openmpi: https://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v4.1/ 下载源码: git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/nccl-tests.git 编译(...
Here we find that our program with 2 cards is in nccl version >= v2.12.7-1, then send will hang, and we can see that the program hangs in the source code of nccl. When the nccl version is lower than 2.12.7-1, the program runs successfull...
Hi there, I'm having a problem when programming with nccl. In fact, it is a question about what's the difference between NCCL_LAUNCH_MODE=GROUP/PARALLEL. Now the situation is: GPU0 is ncclSend data to GPU1 GPU1 is ncclRecv data from GPU0...
alltoall 22.77 reduce_scatter 97.44 all_gather 96.96 1 allreduce 233.59 alltoall 219.25 reduce_scatter 229.07 all_gather 222.43 sendrecv 149.83 ...