NCCER resources—insights, tools, trainings, news, events and more, curated for the discipline you teach.
Empower craft professionals with NCCERconnect. This interactive digital platform merges dynamic study tools with industry-recognized craft training.
NCCer在省首届中高职一体化试点赛“酒店管理与数字化运营”赛项中获佳绩 11月30日 2024年浙江省中高职一体化试点赛 “酒店管理与数字化运营”赛项 在浙江旅游职业学院落下帷幕 宁波城市职业技术学院 和宁波甬江职业高级中学 组成的参赛队 以总分第四的成绩 获得...
由教师杨嘉琳和浙江省二建集团技能大师夏友谊指导的泮婕莹、俞雅玲、金姜陶团队获团体一等奖。 在“酒水服务”“导游服务”赛项中,省内30余所院校同场竞技,学校旅游学院教师华蕾、张建庆指导的俞冰倩、祝彬团队和教师张玥指导的宋珂莹分获“酒水服务”“导游服务”赛项一等奖。 另外,学校...
Empower craft professionals with NCCERconnect. This interactive digital platform merges dynamic study tools with industry-recognized craft training.
NCCER elected Stephen Toups, president of Turner Industries in Baton Rouge, Louisiana as its 2021 board of trustees’ chairman and the first to serve a two-year term. Toups will succeed Michael Bennett, vice president of The Cianbro Companies in Pittsfield, Maine, who remains a member of the...
Scott Marshall, who has been named chairperson, will head the compensation, budget and finance and nominating committees, as well as overseeing board governance. Marshall, who previously served as the vice chair of the board, is a senior group director – People Operations (Americas) at Worley ...
0 Lessons The revised Solar Photovoltaic Installer, Second Edition, addresses the nationwide shift to electric heat pump systems for household HVACR, aligning with the White House's net-zero emissions goal by 2050. In collaboration with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), NCCER integrates ne...
Instructors complete two days of NCCER training through Winn’s CE (unless already certified). Winn’s CE performs an initial site visit and completes registration of the training location. Students are enrolled in the related courses and Winn’s CE registers them with NCCER. ...
来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 14 摘要: The article reports that the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have given approval for NCCER'S Crane Operator Certification Program. 年份: 2010 ...