5) Both involve community service in the form of physical labour, but their purposes are different. NCC helps to make boys disciplined and patriotic whereas National Service Scheme helps to make people aware of national security issues. 6) In NSS students get free education but in NCC students...
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The angle θ represents the angle between CN2S2 and C6F4 mean planes C-N/Å N-S/Å S-S/Å NCN/o CNS/o NSS/o θ/o Reference 1α 1.331(2) 1.324(2) 1.637(2) 1.638(2) 2.0897(14) 123.9(2) 113.52(13) 113.74(13) 94.49(8) 94.37(8) 32 5a 1β 1.325 1.638 2.082 124.0 ...
Article AOOrtinncle tthhee MMeecchhaanniissmm ooff tthhee SSyynntthheessiiss ooff NNiittrrooffuunnccttiioonnaalliisseedd ∆Δ22--PPyyrraazzoolliinneess vviiaa [[33++22]]CCyyccllooaaddddiittiioonn RReeaaccttiioonnss bbeettwweeeenn α-EWG-Activated Nitroethenes and Nitrylimine TAACCSSyy...