ncbi里assembly是什么意思 首页 问题 全部问题 经济金融 企业管理 法律法规 社会民生 科学教育 健康生活 体育运动 文化艺术 电子数码 电脑网络 娱乐休闲 行政地区 心理分析 医疗卫生 精选 知道专栏 知道日报 知道大数据 知道非遗 用户 知道合伙人 芝麻团 芝麻将 日报作者 知道...
NCBI是美国生物技术信息中心(National Center for Biotechnology Information)的缩写,隶属美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)下属的国家医学图书馆(National Library of Medicine)。 可以说,NCBI是目前世界上最知名的一个生物信息学数据库啦。 里面涵盖的信息非常的广且杂...
alternate assembly or annotation. The AP_ prefix was originally designated for bacterial proteins but this usage 页脚内容11 was changed. NC_123456Genomic Mixed Complete genomic molecules including genomes, chromosomes, organelles, plasmids. NG_123456Genomic Mixed Incomplete genomic region; supplied to supp...
GenBank 中字符的意思Nucleotide 数据库分为三个子数据库:EST :表达序列标记数据库GSS :基因组测序序列数据库CoreNucleotide :包含所有未被以上两个子数据库收录的核苷酸序列 MeSH: 查询缩写基因的全称
assembly (_alt_), the assembly name, and either the chromosome label or the scaffold group (unlocalized, unplaced, or alts). 每个文件的命名参考以下:物种的简写;_ref_代表参考组装序列或_alt_代表备选组装序列;组装序列名称;以及染色体序号或框架群(unlocalized, unplaced, or alts).
[5] Please provide the following information:--coverage (if appropriate)--Was this assembly based ...
alternate assembly or annotation. The AP_ prefix was originally designated for bacterial proteins but this usage was changed. NC_123456 Genomic Mixed Complete genomic molecules including genomes, chromosomes, organelles, plasmids. NG_123456 Genomic Mixed Incomplete genomic region; supplied to support the...
This prefix is used for records that are provided to reflect an alternate assembly or annotation. Primarily used for viral, prokaryotic records. AP_123456 Protein Mixed Protein products; alternate protein record. This prefix is used for records that are provided to reflect an alternate assembly or...
NCBI中各符号代表的意思 GenBank 中字符的意思 Nucleotide 数据库分为三个⼦数据库:·EST :表达序列标记数据库 ·GSS :基因组测序序列数据库 ·CoreNucleotide :包含所有未被以上两个⼦数据库收录的核苷酸序列 ●MeSH: 查询缩写基因的全称 3、RefSeq(Reference Sequence)序列接受号:(1)mRNA 记录(NM_*):...