Two crash test dummies are installed in the side mobile barrier or pole test if a central airbag it fitted to the test vehicle. Extra sled tests are performed regardless of the fitment of a counter-measure.
The all-new Volvo V40 has received the top rating of five stars in the Euro NCAP collision test. The overall result is the best ever recorded by the institute. "A fantastic result. We are very proud to have one of the world's safest cars and we're taking yet another important step ...
but the model has recently been updated with the addition of a centre airbag, lap pretensioners, junction assist and a fatigue detection system, which delivered again five stars, this time against the latest test criteria.
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–Volvo V60 Plug-in Hybrid har genomgått ett omfattande testprogram under utvecklingsfasen, precis som alla våra nya bilmodeller, säger Jan Ivarsson. Här ingår fullskaliga krocktest med olika lastfall, till exempel frontalkollision och påkörning bakifrån och från sidorna, ...
Testarea:WAD1700AdoptFLEX-PLIandTRLupperlegformtestAEBCartocar,AEBpedestrian X Dummylayoutadjustment:femaledummyandQ3childdummyarerandomlyplacedon2ndrow impactformadjustment:MPDB(frontalimpactwith50%overlapagainstmovingprogressivedeformablebarrier)Impactdirectionadjustment:randomimpactfrombothsidesDummylayoutadjustment...
The 3-star Global NCAP rating is considered to offer marginal safety in the event of a crash. Referring to the full test results will provide a better idea about the car's safety performance. According to Global NCAP, which is the safest car in India?
Review of the Euro NCAP upper leg test [C]// 22nd Int'l Tech Conf ESV, Washington D C, USA, 2011, No. 11-0137. [7] Oliver Z. Proposal for a modification of the bumper test area for lower and upper legform to bumper tests [C]// 2nd Meeting of Informal Group GTR9 Phase 2,...
Understandably, the NCAP cannot test every new car that comes onto the market. Instead, the programme tests a selection of some of the most popular and interesting new cars each year, with the aim of providing a broad range of information from a diverse group of consumers. Organisations that...
Using the no form of this command does not turn off debugging. Examples The following is sample output when the full-guid keyword is specified: Router# voice call debug full-guid ! 00:05:12: //1/0E2C8A90-BC00-11D5-8002-DACCFDCEF87D/VTSP:(0:D):0:0:4385/vtsp_insert_cdb: 00...