anewoverallratingschemeforpassengercarsandoutlinestheperformancestandardsforeachstarlevelfrom 2026onwards. TheEuroNCAPRatingGroupproducedtheratingscheme,itscontentsandtheratingthresholdsbetweenmid-2022 and late-2023. The final version was formally approved by the Board of Directors in December 2023. ...
January 2023 Euro NCAP updates safety rating scheme in 2023 Euro NCAP's vehicle safety protocols change as technology and society change mobility. The safety assessment processes include new child presence detection systems, vehicle submergence standards, and motorcycle and vulnerable road user detection ...
If combined with a more robust and harmonised framework of technical standards, this will create the buying power necessary to generate the demand for safer vehicles that manufacturers need if they are to combine innovation and commercial success. However, one size certainly does no...
• No stars – Meets type-approval safety standards but lacks important modern safety technology. Automotive technology is constantly advancing, and the scoring systems evolve to reflect this. For example, the testing criteria were recently adapted to include an assessment of driver assistance and ...
If combined with a more robust and harmonised framework of technical standards, this will create the buying power necessary to generate the demand for safer vehicles that manufacturers need if they are to combine innovation and commercial success. However, one size certainly does not fit all. ...
07.05.2023 The New Car Assessment Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean, Latin NCAP, publishes today the first crash tests results for 2023 with an encouraging five star result for the Volkswagen Taigun and a disappointing one star for Jeep Renegade. The Volkswagen Taigun...
The new Vision 2030: a Safer Future for Mobility sets the focus of vehicle safety for European industry over the next decade, but also presents the role that Euro NCAP will play in the context of the future mobility landscape. The newVision 2030: a Safer Future for Mobility outlines a clea...
For those interested, the GNCAP is a UK-based charity project Towards Zero Foundation to promote the global adoption of the United Nations’ vehicle safety standards. The BNCAP will apply to the M1 category of passenger cars having a gross weight of up to 3,500 kg, carrying up to eight ...
As part of our effort to be in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we strive to for all vehicles produced and sold for the ASEAN market to meet the appropriate safety standards. Thus, ASEAN NCAP performs assessment on the safety performance of new cars that are recently launch...
Production in Qingmei is in accordance with GMP standards, and files are compiled and registered in regulated market to ensure smooth supply channels. Guided by the market development, Qingmei works hard to cover more customers. Our products are approved by cGMP, CEP/CO...