NCAB Group Germany GmbH Elsenheimer Straße 7 80687 München AG München HRB 166986 Ust-IdNr.: DE253313470 Geschäftsführer: Benjamin Klingenberg, Tassilo Wolfram, Anders Forsén Phone:+49 (0)89 15 00 16 64 0 Fax:+49 (0)89 15 00 16 64 1 ...
Ncab Group Germany GmbhBusiness Scope : electronics Info: ncab group is a leading global pcb supplier founded in 1993. today, we have local presence in 19 countries in europe, asia and north america and customers in approximately 45 countries worldwide.quality is one of our most important ...
Adresse:NCAB Group Germany GmbH, Elsenheimer Straße 7, 80687, München Zeitraum:10:00 Uhr – 16:00 Uhr Agenda Produktionsprozess der Leiterplatte DFx Design for Excellence mit Applikationsbeispielen: Medizintechnik/High-Speed/Transportation ...