Here are the hex and RGB color codes for NCAA athletic teams. Use these hex and rgb, cmyk and PANTONE colors for your web based or digital projects.
Team Color Codes has the hex, rgb, cmyk and PANTONE color codes for MLB, NFL, NBA and NHL teams. These codes will help you with all the digital projects where you need team colors.
team: the name of the team to be supplied to functions in ncaahoopR package id: team id; used in ESPN URLs link: link; used in ESPN URLs ```espn_abbrv`: Short 3-4 character code used in ESPN abbreviations ncaa_colorsA data frame of team color hex codes, pulled fromteamcolorcodes....
team: the name of the team to be supplied to function in ncaahoopR package id: team id; used in ESPN URLs link: link; used in ESPN URLs ncaa_colorsA data frame of team color hex codes, pulled Note that hexcodes are only available for 248 of 353 Division 1...
Big 12 Colors HTML Hex, RGB, PANTONE and CMYK Color Values for digital or print projects where you need to match a specific color and require the Big 12 Colors. Search for other teams and colors on Team Color Codes
Big West HTML Hex, RGB, PANTONE and CMYK Color Values for digital or print projects where you need to match a specific color and require the Big West. Search for other teams and colors on Team Color Codes
Mountain West Conference Hex, RGB, PANTONE and CMYK Color Codes The Mountain West Conference primary colors are red and black. Use these Mountain West color codes if you need their colors for any of your digital or print projects. ...
Hex, RGB, PANTONE and CMYK color code values for color matching on your digital and print based project. Find all your favorite Big Ten teams and colors on this page.
PAC 12 Colors HTML Hex, RGB, PANTONE and CMYK Color Values for digital or print projects where you need to match a specific color and require the PAC 12 Colors. Search for other teams and colors on Team Color Codes
Sun Belt Conference HTML Hex, RGB, PANTONE and CMYK Color Values for digital or print projects where you need to match a specific color and require the Sun Belt Conference. Search for other teams and colors on Team Color Codes