进口货源 支持支付宝 材质保障 ¥480.00 SKYRC NC2500 PRO 镍氢/镍铬 AA/AAA充电器 4种工作模式 充电放电 深圳市久航科技有限公司6年 回头率:24.8% 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥480.00成交4个 SKYRC NC2500 PRO 镍氢/镍铬 AA/AAA充电器 4种工作模式 充电放电 ...
一、螺杆真空泵NC2500的特点 螺杆真空泵NC2500是一种单级双螺杆真空泵,其主要特点是螺杆转子在泵腔内旋转,从而捕获并压缩泵送的介质,最后将其输送到排气口。在这个过程中,螺杆转子既不相互接触,也不与泵腔接触,因此其压缩腔不需要润滑油或工作液。这种泵通过...
NC2500 Pro has up to six independent slots to charge six cells simultaneously with the maximum 2.5A charge current. Once a high internal resistance is detected, the charge current will decrease automatically to reduce the overall heating to protect the battery. Light. Delight. Full of might. ...
NC2500 Pro has up to six independent slots to charge six cells simultaneously with the maximum 2.5A charge current. Once a high internal resistance is detected, the charge current will decrease automatically to reduce the overall heating to protect the battery. ...
NC2500 包装种类 基础包装 是否有香味 否 套餐类型 【128MM*135MM/节】1提18卷 原材料成分 原生浆 层数 5层 分类 通用 是否印花 否 是否含芯 无芯卷纸 是否量贩装 是 卷数 138g/卷 图文详情 本店推荐 护理佳妇幼两用巾FY8110超长加宽440MM棉柔亲肤姨妈巾 ¥20.9 护理佳CD8322轻柔3D棉柔180MM亲肤卫...
The NC2500 charger can pair with up to eight devices. However, it can only connect to, and control the NC2500 charger from one device at a time. To begin pairing with your iPhone, iPod or iPad 1. Connect the power adapter DC connector to the charger and then plug the power adapter ...
The World's Most Advanced AAA/AA Battery Charger SkyRC NC2500 AA/AAA Battery Charger & Analyzer is more than just a battery charger which can perform a number of different functions. If you are interested in getting optimum power, turbo fast charging (up to 2500mA Charge Current) and the ...
INSTRUCTION MANUALAA/AAA NiMH BATTERYMulti Functions Charger & AnalyzerManufactured bySKYRC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.www.skyrc.comRoHS 2013 SkyRC Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Version 1.0 7504-0361-01