What’s more, North Carolina’s attrition rate was below the national average, which is estimated to be 12% for the 2022-2023 school year. The teacher attrition rate is also lower than that of state government employees, who have similar benefits to teachers and whose salaries are set by ...
We have have teachers complaining about the low salaries, talking about their emotional issues and how the students are causing them stress. Band, chorus and string orchestra are outstanding. Transportation is horrible. Twice a year when the count is taken for funding, students are encouraged to ...
We have have teachers complaining about the low salaries, talking about their emotional issues and how the students are causing them stress. Band, chorus and string orchestra are outstanding. Transportation is horrible. Twice a year when the count is taken for funding, students are encouraged to ...
specific area of instruction. Kids are failing. district has not been meeting the AYP. The technology and learning material is severely outdated. Staff bully and talk down to the children. Surprisingly the staff, admin. salaries and medical benefits take up a shocking 80% of the budget funds!
We have have teachers complaining about the low salaries, talking about their emotional issues and how the students are causing them stress. Band, chorus and string orchestra are outstanding. Transportation is horrible. Twice a year when the count is taken for funding, students are encouraged to ...