Jud Patterson – Discussions on the Impact of Teachers on Our LivesAir Date: April 16, 2023Jud talks about his history teacher in Tennessee, Mary Chitwood, who made a significant impact on his life and the lives of his fellow classmates....
If you have as choice DON'T SEND YOUR KIDS HERE!!! Posted May 30, 2018Submitted by other Terrible lack of professionalism ethics and incompetent!More Around Parkton Elementary Browse popular neighborhoods, cities and ZIP codes around Parkton Elementary Nearby NeighborhoodsNearby CitiesNearby ZIP Cod...
Dr. Fredric Reamer, who chaired the last two committees that updated the NASW Code of Ethics and who is the "godfather" of social work ethics, will be our presenter. We are also planning on another outstanding Clinical Institute that will include sessions on the DSM-5, teletherapy, and ...