secretary Security-Identifier See-Also Seq-Notification Serial-Number Server-Name Server-Reference Server-Reference-BL Server-Role Server-State Service-Binding-Information Service-Class-ID Service-Class-Info Service-Class-Name Service-DNS-Name Service-DNS-Name-Type Service-Instance-Version Service-Principal...
2.269 Attribute otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber 2.270 Attribute otherHomePhone 2.271 Attribute otherIpPhone 2.272 Attribute otherMobile 2.273 Attribute otherPager 2.274 Attribute otherTelephone 2.275 Attribute otherWellKnownObjects 2.276 Attribute ou 2.277 Attribute owner 2.278 Attribute ownerBL 2.279 Attribu...
"This grant program is already set to bring high-speed internet to numerous households and businesses across North Carolina, and we're pleased that we will now reach even more unserved areas,"said NCDIT Secretary and State Chief Information Officer Jim...
2.236 Attribute secretary 2.237 Attribute securityIdentifier 2.238 Attribute seeAlso 2.239 Attribute seqNotification 2.240 Attribute serialNumber 2.241 Attribute serverName 2.242 Attribute serverReference 2.243 Attribute serverReferenceBL 2.244 Attribute serverRole 2.245 Attribute serverState 2.246 Attribute serviceBind...
Using next-generation sequencing (NGS) in newborn screening (NBS) could expand the number of genetic conditions detected pre-symptomatically, simultaneously challenging current precedents, raising ethical concerns, and extending the role of parental decision-making in NBS. The NC NEXUS (Newborn Exome...
secretary Security-Identifier See-Also Seq-Notification Serial-Number Server-Name Server-Reference Server-Reference-BL Server-Role Server-State Service-Binding-Information Service-Class-ID Service-Class-Info Service-Class-Name Service-DNS-Name Service-DNS-Name-Type Service-Instance-Version Service-Principal...
Using next-generation sequencing (NGS) in newborn screening (NBS) could expand the number of genetic conditions detected pre-symptomatically, simultaneously challenging current precedents, raising ethical concerns, and extending the role of parental decision-making in NBS. The NC NEXUS (Newborn Exome...
address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA ...
This Form 10-K report shows that:(1) The registrant’s name, address, and telephone number, are as, Inc. c/o Ernst & Young LLPSeattle, Washington Attention: Corporate Secretary (2) For the purpose of Article III of the Se...
address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA ...