An excellent starting place is the North Carolina state online database. Businesses that apply for LLC status must use Limited Liability Company, L.L.C., or LLC at the end of the legal business name. An LLC cannot use the following words in their name: Corporation, Corp., Incorporated, ...
Email: Mail: North Carolina Secretary of State Corporations Division P.O. Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 If you need help with NC SOS corporation, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its...
Netflix disposed of545 grievancesrelated to Code of Ethics violations in July. The company received 591 grievances, including 550 pending from June and 41 newly received in July. Netflix agreed to act on only one of all the Code of Ethics violations and disposed of the rest without any actio...
In North Carolina, you file your Articles of Organization, which officially forms your limited liability company (LLC), with the North Carolina Secretary of State. Here’s how to file your Articles of Organization: Obtain the Form: You can download the Articles of Organization form (Form L-01...
"This grant program is already set to bring high-speed internet to numerous households and businesses across North Carolina, and we're pleased that we will now reach even more unserved areas,"said NCDIT Secretary and State Chief Information Officer Jim...
You have the following options to file your articles of organization in North Carolina: Submit Form L-01 and pay the fee online via credit card, debit card, or direct bank withdrawal at . Pay in person at the Secretary of State’s office, located at: 2 South Salisbury Street in Raleigh...
It is not enough to simply file papers with the secretary of state’s office. Before a company does business if must have a first meeting. There are some important decisions to make and a few corporate formalities to take care of and the board of directors must hold an organizational first...
NBS was continually pressed to take the lead and explored various alternatives for creat- ing a national accreditation system, but action languished until the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Science and Technology, Betsy Ancker Johnson, decided to implement some form of pro- gram. The Eighties...