If you are taking the SC licensing exam, we recommend CompuCram which integrates vocabulary tools, practice testing and comprehensive simulated exams. We have an affiliate relationship with CompuCram and at no additional cost to you, if you decide to purchase the product we will earn a commission...
I did it... I PASSED!!! Thank you soooooooo much for everything! No way I could have done it without your support, class, videos, practice exams, etc!!! I appreciate all your time & support to me during my exam preparation. Trina Powers...
Microblading is not within our scope of practice. It is regulated though by each local health department. It is considered to be in the same family of services as tattooing, as it is the insertion of pigment under the surface of the skin by means of a blade. Tattooing, permanent make-up...
Physician assistants are encouraged to take the sample online tutorials provided below prior to their exam day to become familiar with the computer functions. The tutorial provides an opportunity to practice: Navigating through the examination Answering questions Changing answers Marking questions for review...
First-time test takers must create a Pearson VUE web account. Appointments may be made up to one business day in advance. After you schedule your test, Pearson VUE will send a confirmation letter listing your test date, your testing time, the address and phone number of the test center, ...
The Role and Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in NursingIs there a place for artificial intelligence (AI) in nursing? The position statement from the American Nurses Association (ANA) emphasizes that “the appropriate use of AI in nursing practice supports and enhances the core values and ...